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Heat and Vibration Muscle Therapy

Heat and Vibration Muscle Therapy is a therapy Combined with Hand Massage and Machinery that lasts 50'.
What is muscle stiffness?
Muscle stiffness is when your muscles feel tight and you find it more difficult to move than you usually do, especially after rest. You may also have muscle pains, cramping, and discomfort.
What is lactic acid?
Lactic acid is produced in your muscles and builds up during intense exercise. It can lead to painful, sore muscles. Lactic acid buildup due to exercise is usually temporary and not cause for a lot of concern, but it can affect your workouts by causing discomfort. Read on to learn how to get rid of lactic acid after it’s built up in your muscles and what you can do to prevent it from building up in the future.
You may wonder what precisely vibration massage therapy is and what it entails.
When you describe vibration, it is basically a shaking movement. Therefore, vibration massage therapy involves a technique of pressing and releasing the tissues of your body in upwards & downwards movement or back and forth motions. These movements results in find trembling which leaves you with a tingling sensation.
Used in fitness, in medicine and in the sports sciences, vibration therapy applies a rapid flow of micro-movements to the human body. Your muscles, in turn, contract and release rapidly in response. Performed in short bursts over a period of time, this process creates changes.
Specifically, studies show that vibration therapy also reduces swelling and pain, even in patients with chronic pain.
Benefits of Heat and Vibration Muscle Therapy
Blood circulation, which aids in recovery of muscle soreness from physical activity.
Relaxes muscles for an improved range of motion. The muscle relaxation also helps with insomnia.
Leads to increased endorphin levels. The increase of endorphin levels is actually one of the greatest benefits of massage therapy. Endorphins are the chemicals the body produces that make you feel good, which is very effective in managing chronic pain.
Vibration therapy improves:
muscular strength
power development
kinesthetic awareness
decreased muscle sore
increased range of motion
increased blood flow under the skin.
Signs You Need A Massage:
1. You’re Feeling Stressed
Let’s face it, stress is something almost all of us have in common. Between the demands of work, family, and life in general, who hasn’t felt stressed out at some point?
While we may not be able to take the source of stress out of our lives completely, we can relieve it. And getting a massage is a perfect way to do that.
Massage decreases the level of stress hormones in the body. At the same time, it increases levels of endorphins, hormones that make us happy. Making it a great stress reliever and mood lifter.
Not to mention, massages give us time out of our daily lives to decompress, relax, and do something to help ourselves recharge.
2. You’re Getting Headaches
If you find you’re getting more headaches than usual, it could be coming from tension. Tension can build up in our neck, shoulders, and trapezoid muscles. And this tension causes strain that triggers headaches.
Getting regular massages can relieve this tension. Relaxing the muscles will promote better blood flow to the head, which will ease headache pains. It can also help ease the severity of migraine symptoms.
The massage therapist will know what areas to concentrate on. The use of essential oils is another tool your therapist can use to help you relax and ease the pain.
3. You’re Sedentary for Most of the Day
Working a desk job or having a relatively sedentary routine can seem harmless enough. But it can be wrecking more havoc on your body than you realize.
Being hunched over a desk or sitting in the same position for too long builds tension in your body. This can lead to poor posture, headaches, or overall pain.
Getting a massage will relieve this strain and improve your spinal health. It will relax and loosen the muscles that have unknowingly tightened throughout your day.
It can also help with the strain typing all day puts on your body. Massage on your forearms will relax muscles, promoting better circulation throughout your arms and into your hands.
4. You Have Poor Posture
Many people think poor posture is a result of laziness. Or maybe it’s even something out of their control. The reality is, most poor posture stems from tension held in the back and neck in combination with poor muscle strength.
Massage will naturally relieve this tension. Not only promoting better spinal and postural health but allowing muscles to move freely into their natural positions.
It will also help increase the flexibility of the muscles. Meaning, if any of the muscles in the back or neck have shortened over time, regular massages will can assist in lengthening them. Increasing the flexibility for muscles to move as they should.
5. You’re in Pain or Don’t Have a Full Range of Motion
Pain is a way for your body to signal that something is wrong. And the problem is many of us ignore it until it gets worse.
Pain in your back, neck, hips, and shoulders could signal a soft tissue injury or muscle pain. We can help you find the root cause of your pain.
A massage therapist will pinpoint any trigger points, which are bundles of muscle fibers that are restricting blood flow and causing pain. Working these trigger points out will relieve the pain and relax the muscles involved.
The increased blood flow will also promote healing of any soft tissue injuries.
And on the same token, if you find you can’t move your head from side to side or extend your arm as far out as it should, a massage can help. It can relax the muscles restricting the movement and restore full motion again. Schedule a complimentary consultation with our doctor to determine if a massage is your best option.
6. You’re Training or Just Started Working out
Training and working out result in building new muscles, straining muscles, and even tearing muscle fibers. Cardio activity and weight lifting can put a lot of stress and strain on your body. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your muscles with massage.
Getting a deep tissue massage can restore range of motion when muscles get tight. It can also promote better circulation which will aid in a quicker recovery from muscle injuries.
Flexibility is also increased with massage. And the better your flexibility, the less likely you’ll encounter muscle strain and injury.
7. You’re Having Trouble Sleeping
When having trouble sleeping, most people turn to sleep aids or maybe even a cup of warm tea. A massage is something that is often forgotten.
But think about it… when your muscles feel relaxed, you’re relaxed. And what better sleep aid is there than that?
Along with relaxing your muscles, massage will increase your circulation, decrease your stress hormones, increase your endorphins, and makes you feel better overall.
It’s a natural and effective way to get better rest and deeper sleep.
8. You’ve Never Had a Massage Before
If you’ve never had a massage before, you don’t know what you’re missing out on! It’s a great way to improve your overall health and do something to better yourself and your mood.
Regular massages are the way to maintain the benefits. Most massage therapists recommend having a massage at least once a month. More may be necessary if you’re training or recovering from an injury.
Your Body Will Let You Know When You Need A Massage – Listen to It
If you’re not getting regular massages, your body won’t be shy about letting you know you need a massage.
Full Back + Shoulders + arms: € 80 per therapy (50' treatment)
Offer Pack: 6 therapies €320 (€160 discount)
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